Wednesday, May 6, 2020

NRMjobs Quiz answers 7-May-2020

This week’s theme: ‘Fish’


(1) What is the marine emblem of NSW?


Answer: The Blue groper (Achoerodus viridis).


(2) Which of these fish is the odd one out, and why?: Golden perch, Callop, Silver perch, Yellowbelly.


Answer: Silver perch (Golden perch, Callop and Yellowbelly are all common names for Macquaria ambigua; Silver perch is a different species - Bidyanus bidyanus).


(3) Where on a fish would you find the caudal fin?


Answer: Tail.


(4) What jawless fish of southern Australia spends the early part of its lifecycle in freshwater, migrates to the sea as an adult, then returns to freshwater to spawn and die.


Answer: Pouched lamprey (Geotria australis).


(5) What is the title of the popular short story by Henry Lawson, in which three gold miners disastrously try to improve their fishing luck with a home-made explosive device?


Answer: The Loaded Dog.

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