Wednesday, June 24, 2020

NRMjobs Quiz answers 25-Jun-2020

This week’s theme: ‘WONS’


(1) When the first ‘Weeds of National Significance’ (WONS) list was released in 1999, how many WONS were listed on it? (bonus: how many WONS are on the list now?).


Answer: 20 (bonus: 32).


(2) Gorse or Furze (Ulex europaeus) is a prickly WONS shrub which sheds large numbers of hard-coated seeds. How long can these seeds remain dormant in soil?


Answer: Up to 30 years.


(3) Mimosa pigra, a WONS which is a very serious weed of wetlands in the Northern Territory, is commonly known in Australia as “Giant Sensitive Plant”. Why ‘sensitive’?


Answer: Its leaves are ‘touch sensitive’ (they fold up when touched).


(4) Which of the following is not a WONS? (a) Blackberry (b) Silver nightshade (c) Onion weed (d) Bitou bush (e) Prickly Pear.


Answer: (c) Onion weed.


(5) What desert-dwelling WONS tree secretes a distinct salty crust on its long, slender leaves?


Answer: Athel tamarisk (Tamarix aphylla).

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

NRMjobs Quiz answers 18-Jun-2020

This week’s theme: ‘Ministers’

(1) Who is the current Federal Minister for the Environment? (bonus point: Who is the Federal Assistant Minister for Waste Reduction and Environmental Management?).


Answer: Susan Ley (bonus: Trevor Evans).


(2) In what year was Australia’s first Federal Minister for the Environment appointed? (bonus points: who was the Minister, and from what political party? - one point for each).


Answer: 1971 (bonuses: Peter Howson, Liberal Party).


(3) Including the current incumbent, how many people have held the post of Federal Minister for Environment? (a) 18 (b) 24 (c) 32 (d) 46.


Answer: (c) 32.


(4) Which of the following Prime Ministers was also once a Federal Minister for the Environment: Bob Hawke, John Howard, Julia Gillard, Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull.


Answer: Malcolm Turnbull.


(5) Who was Australia’s longest-serving Federal Minister for the Environment?


Answer: Robert Hill (5 years, 260 days – from 11 March 1996 to 26 November 2001).

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

NRMjobs Quiz answers 11-Jun-2020

This week’s theme: ‘Crayfish’


(1) A feral population of what large freshwater crayfish can be found in the waterways on South Australia’s Kangaroo Island?


Answer: Marron (Cherax cainni).


(2) Where in Australia would you find the world’s largest freshwater crayfish, Astacopsis gouldi?


Answer: Tasmania.


(3) In what river system does the endangered species Euastacus bispinosus (aka Spiny Freshwater Crayfish or Pricklyback) occur?


Answer: Glenelg River, Victoria.


(4) What widely farmed Australian crayfish, originally native to north east Queensland and the Northern Territory, has established feral populations in southern Africa, central America and South East Asia.


Answer: Redclaw (Cherax quadricarinatus).


(5) What prominent South Australian pastoralist and well-known author wrote the 1965 children’s book Tisi and the Yabby?


Answer: Geoffrey Dutton.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

NRMjobs Quiz answers 4-June-2020

This week’s theme: ‘World Environment Day’


(1) In what year was the first World Environment Day celebrated?


Answer: 1974


(2) What is the theme for the 2020 World Environment Day? (bonus: what was the theme in 2019?).


Answer: ‘Biodiversity’ (bonus: ‘Beat Air Pollution’).


(3) What country is the official host of the 2020 World Environment Day? (bonus: what country was the 2019 host?)


Answer: Colombia, in partnership with Germany (bonus: China).


(4) World Environment Day has only ever been hosted once by Australia, in 2000. What was the host city?


Answer: Adelaide.


(5) Which of the following is NOT also celebrated in the US on 5 June? (a) National Donut Day (b) National Moonshine Day (c) National Veggie Burger Day (d) Take Your Dog to Work Day (e) National Gingerbread Day.


Answer: (d) Take Your Dog to Work Day (held on 26 June).