This week’s theme: ‘Crayfish’
(1) A feral population of what large freshwater crayfish can be found in the waterways on South Australia’s Kangaroo Island?
Answer: Marron (Cherax cainni).
(2) Where in Australia would you find the world’s largest freshwater crayfish, Astacopsis gouldi?
Answer: Tasmania.
(3) In what river system does the endangered species Euastacus bispinosus (aka Spiny Freshwater Crayfish or Pricklyback) occur?
Answer: Glenelg River, Victoria.
(4) What widely farmed Australian crayfish, originally native to north east Queensland and the Northern Territory, has established feral populations in southern Africa, central America and South East Asia.
Answer: Redclaw (Cherax quadricarinatus).
(5) What prominent South Australian pastoralist and well-known author wrote the 1965 children’s book Tisi and the Yabby?
Answer: Geoffrey Dutton.
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