Wednesday, October 28, 2020

NRMjobs Quiz answers 29-Oct-2020

This week’s theme: ‘Pollen’

(1) Pollen first appeared in the fossil record about (a) 370 million years ago (b) 260 million years ago (c) 150 million years ago (d) 40 million years ago.

Answer: (a) 370 million years ago.

(2) What is the study of pollen grains called?

Answer: Palynology

(3) True or false: Marine seagrasses produce pollen under water, which is sometimes carried from flower to flower by tiny crustaceans.

Answer: True. (NOTE: This question has been corrected following feedback from readers - thank you).

(4) The pollen of what plant is largely responsible for Melbourne’s occasional ‘thunderstorm asthma’ events?

Answer: Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne).

(5) What pollination technique – important for tomatoes – is employed by both native blue-banded bees and by European bumblebees, but not by honeybees?

Answer: Buzz pollination.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the quizz! keep it going please