Thursday, February 11, 2021

NRMjobs Quiz answers 11-Feb-2021

This week’s theme: ‘Sixty’

(1) What is 60 degrees Celsius in Farenheit? (bonus: what is 60 degrees Farenheit in Celsius?)

Answer: 140 Farenheit (bonus 15.56 Celsius).

(2) Sexaginta means ‘sixty’ in what language?

Answer: Latin.

(3) How bright (in lumens) is a standard 60-watt incandescent bulb? (a) 60 lumens (b) 800 lumens (c) 10,000 lumens (d) 120,000 lumens?

Answer: (b) 800 lumens.

(4) In what year did the Australian TV program 60 Minutes first go to air in Australia?

Answer: 1979.

(5) If a triangle has two 60-degree corners, what angle is the third corner?

Answer: 60 degrees.

Bonus question: On what day was the NRMjobs quizmaster born?

Answer: 11 February, 1961 (Yep, it’s my 60th today. Hope you are enjoying the quizzes).


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday quiz master! Enjoying the quizzes but I'm better on sharks than the sixties, despite being born in them

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!

Enjoy the red

Mad Scientist said...

Enjoying the quizzes very much - many thanks, and happy birthday!

Unknown said...

Belated buzzday 🐝🌻 thank you for putting the weekly quizz bits. 👍⭐