Thursday, April 8, 2021

NRMjobs Quiz answers 8-Apr-2021

This week’s theme: ‘Legs’

(1) Including the pincers, how many legs does a yabby have?

Answer: 10.

(2) The word ‘centipede’ means 100 legs, and individuals can have between 30 to 354 legs, depending on the species. But do any centipedes have exactly 100 legs?

Answer: No (centipedes always have an odd number of pairs of legs).

(3) The macropod species Thylogale stigmatica is commonly called the Red-legged …?

Answer: Pademelon.

(4) What is the difference between a tetrapod and a quadruped?

Answer: A tetrapod is any species descended from a four-limbed (Tetrapoda) ancestor, while a quadruped is any species which uses four limbs for locomotion.

(5) What kind of creature can have up 750 legs – more than any other known animal?

Answer: Millipede (Illacme plenipes, native to California).

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